Do you notice Isabella holding a bottle? This is a happy day in the Rod house hold!!!! We started bottle feeding Isabella while she was in the hospital as a new born, but she quickly would have nothing to do with it as time went on. She has refused a bottle or anything like a bottle since she came home. This is causing me much stress!!! How can I ever have more than 2 hours to myself without someone calling me to tell me that the baby is crying and hungry? So, I decided yesterday that I was going on strike! How do you like that?! I didn't feed her at all yesterday, only offered her a bottle. She took about 4 oz the entire day and she survived! Today, she has done a bit better. She is holding it by herself (sort of, if it is propped up on her chest) and she drinks it kind of funny, but she is taking it. I am pumping, but she will have nothing to do with breast milk from the bottle, go figure. She WILL NOT take the bottle from me if I am holding her. If she is laying on the ground and I am sitting next to her, she might take it. She is kind of a funny girl, and not always ha, ha. I am still breast feeding her at night and the early morning, but once daylight hits, all bottle. I am sorry, but I am just not the poster mother of breast feeding. How do women do this for an entire year? So, there you have it! Just in case you were wondering. :)
12 years ago
Congrats! You need to do it ALL and get rid of the night and morning feding her. :) You can do it! She'll be better for it!
glad to hear that I'm not the only one that really doesn't love breastfeeding. I'm waiting for the day that I can justify not pumping at work. it's such a hassle!
Sooo happy you are finally free! Congrats!
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