Thursday, March 18, 2010

Feels like Spring

When is Spring coming? Lauren is keeping a countdown for me. Every day she tells me that there is only 3 more days until spring. (Yes, everyday there is only 3 more days...this has been going on for almost a week. I try to correct her, but what is the point? She insists there is only 3 days left.) Her eyes get big and bright and she is so excited that Spring is coming. Well, I am totally feeling it too because I have started about 3 or 4 projects in my house in the past week. I am opening all the windows at least once a day to refresh my house. (I have to remember to turn off the heater:)) I love this time of year! I am cleaning like a mad women and I just keep going. If I were pregnant, I would think I was nesting. Nope, not pregnant! Here is my latest project. I forgot to take a before pic. Let's just say it looks different and BETTER!!! Linda inspired me to refinished this hutch that I have in my kitchen and then I made the clock. My next big painting project is my kitchen table. Well, maybe after I finish the downstairs bathroom, finish a wood project in Bella's room, paint and hang closet doors in Samuel's room, finish a wood project in Lauren's room, re-paint our bedroom and re-finish some pillows...then I may think of the dining room table. That is my plan. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Poor Baby!

So sad! Bella took a tumble into the cold air return vent in our room. The kids blame Bob. They say he knocked her over. I didn't see the fall. So sad! It wasn't deep, but it was about a quarter inch long, so we made the drive to Primary Childrens for a few sutures. She has three little stitches. She did great...with Versed. What a wonderful drug! She doesn't seem at all bothered by it, until she bumps it. Then it is really sad!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The many faces of Samuel

He is Darth Maul.
He had a great time at a friends birthday party.

A silly, random picture I found on the camera. Lauren must have taken this of him.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fancy Schmancy

We had a fancy schmancy dinner with Cesar's work. The last time I went to one of these, I looked and looked for an outfit, but finally gave up because I wasn't in the mood to shop. Go figure. I ended up wearing a nice church outfit and felt COMPLETELY under dressed! It was horrible! I promised to never do that again! So, here we are, two years later and it is time for the fancy dinner. I wasn't going to let my mood deter the shopping, so I went out and bought a completely beautiful dress and shrug and spanks and shoes. The next morning, I was telling my girl friend all about the new outfit, and she got really mad at me when I told her about the dress. She told me I couldn't afford it, and that I needed to return the dress and keep looking. Well, if she had just come with me like I had asked, I wouldn't be in this problem, now would I? :) She was totally right! I couldn't afford the dress, shrug, spanks and shoes. So, I went out shopping again and found a different (more me) beautiful dress. It was about half the cost of the other, so with the shrug, spanks and shoes, it was a bit more affordable. Cesar didn't really care. But, I don't think he really knew how much I had spent on the dress. He didn't really need to know, at least not yet. :) I borrowed some jewelry from another good friend and I was set. I must say I looked much better than this picture shows. :) I should have taken off my shoes. :) I couldn't breath the entire night, but I ate through the pain. Totally worth it! You can never breath in spanks. But you do look slimmer without the love rolls. We had a great time. And the greatest part is that I have a beautiful dress, shrug, spanks and shoes to wear next year.

P.S. I forgot to mention how freakin' handsome my husband is!!! It was so much fun to be by his side. We really had a great night!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I was looking everywhere for Isabella the other day and found her in Bob's kennel. :) She had a huge grin on her face! She kept opening and closing the gate. Bob seemed a bit concerned and sat quietly waiting for her to get out, but she stayed. He even tried to get in with her, but found it a bit too snug for his liking, especially when I am trying to teach Bella that we are soft and that we don't hit.
She left for only a minute to get her beloved Ba-ba. Ba-ba is never far.

Monday, March 1, 2010


What would our lives be like without our cousins? I remember as a little girl spending weekends with my cousins. I rarely had a sleepover at a friends house, but I always had sleepovers with the cousins. I looked forward to holidays and birthdays so that I could spend time with my family. They always seemed to have the cooler toys, more candy and just generally bigger and better things than I did. I don't think much has changed...Samuel has already commented to me that his cousin has the cooler toys. :) I am so thankful that we have family close so that my kids can build those lasting friendships with their cousins.