Monday, May 17, 2010

Bob...what can I say?

So, we have had good ol' Bob for about a year now. Why did I ever insist on getting a puppy? It has been a fairly good year for Bob. Some good things about Bob are: he potty's outside, loves to play ball, tolerates the kids, especially Isabella, comes most of the time to 'come', and most of all he is always so excited to see any of us come home. I love how his body shakes with joy. He is a better trained dog than Bruno. We had to learn the hard way, sorry Bruno! He is great with Isabella! She is always feeding him, both her food and his. The best is when I find her at his food bowl...a little for him, a little for me. YUCK! At least the main ingredient is meat, right? :) She calls him and teases him and thinks his kennel is for her. He really is a good dog!

Bob is so patient with Isabella. Isabella is once again in Bob's kennel. I was trying so hard to get a good picture, but I had either one or the other. You are a good dog Bob!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sleeping Angels

There is something so peaceful about sleeping children. Is it that the house is finally put back together after a long day of play? Is it that the house is quiet of the screaming, running, crying, teasing kids? Or is it that the house is still crazy and I don't have the energy to pick things up, but I don't care? Even as little babies, the kids bedtime has been 7pm. Why is this one of my most favorite parts of the day? I feel bad to say that, but I love the quietness and peacefulness of the evening when the dishes are done, toys are put away, children are clean and fed and sound asleep. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the laughter, the funny jokes, the overall fun and happiness that my children bring to me every day during the day. But, as I do my final tuck-in's before I head off to bed, I am often brought to tears as I think of how sweet and precious they are. I am reminded of how imperfect a mother I am and how I am trying to be more loving, more patient, more compassionate, more patient, more understanding, more fun, and more patient. I fall so short day after day. Thankfully, as I tuck in the little darlings, I am reminded how perfect and loving and forgiving they are. Often I tell them, with tears in my eyes, that I am so sorry and that I will try harder tomorrow to be a better mother to them. Tomorrow I will, tomorrow I will... I love them more than I ever imagined possible. I am trying, I am trying, I am trying. Why is it so hard?