Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I went with Heidi to Denver a few months ago. She went to visit old friends. I went along for the ride (or to just remind her she couldn't move back). We had so much fun eating, visiting friends, eating, laughing, sleeping in, eating some more, movies, and eating. I am pretty sure I gained 5 pounds in Denver. The best part was just hanging out with my sister! I love her so much! When we were younger we didn't get along that great, but now, she is my very best friend! We can talk about almost anything...but let's be honest, some things are totally too much information! :) How could I have been so lucky to have her as a sister? She is a great second mother to my kids and dog. I am so glad that she lives close to me and my little family. I love you Heidi-Ho!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Potty Training

So, I started the potty-training thing with Isabella. She is almost 18 months...is she too young? To be honest, I don't want to spend $45 a month on diapers anymore and I don't want to be potty-training a stubborn three or four year old. A stubborn eighteen month old is much easier, right? :) Anyhow, I have officially begun. She has such a cute little bum! She insists on being naked to go potty. Today we have had 4 accidents, and 4 successful pee's in the singing potty. When she has had a accident, she looks at me with a concerned look and calls "mama! mama!" and then she talks and points at the pee on her legs and on the floor. Have I really started? This is too soon, isn't it? Is she really ready? All the older women I talk to think she is ready, but then the young mom's I talk to think I am a bit crazy. I don't have many work appointments this week, so here I go....