Monday, January 18, 2010

Mat're de

All I did was ask Samuel to help set the table. I promise! He disappeared to his room for a good ten minutes and when he came back, he was dressed in his suit and tie and this....! Yes, a sharpie marker drawn mustache and beard. Really?! He insisted on seating everyone and made sure that they had a napkin placed in their laps. All this fuss for little burritos. :) He cracks me up!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Generous Neighbors

The other night we had someone knock loudly on our front door and leave this jar of money and a note...we are very humbled and grateful to know that someone was thinking of us. It reminds me of the book by Jason F. Wright called Christmas Jars. We are truly grateful for someone in our neighborhood who has thought of us. This is truly a tender mercy from our Heavenly Father. Time after time, we are blessed through other people. I am so thankful for the friends that we have and the good people we are surrounded by. Thank you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crazy Duo

These two are crazy! I am so glad that they are such great friends, but they wear me out! They are full blast, full steam with everything. Constantly laughing, running, jumping, yelling, playing, and overall endless energy in our home. I hope that they remain good buddies for a long time.

Notice Sam has lost both his front teeth? His smile is so darling with his teeth gone! He is growing up so fast.