Friday, September 30, 2011

Great to be Eight!

Eight Great things about Samuel Thomas Rodriguez....

1. He is a GREAT big brother!

2. He is GREAT at soccer. He is right handed, but is left footed.
Cesar is super excited about that! He says all the great soccer players are left footed. :)

3. He is GREAT at making other people laugh and love him.

4. He is GREAT at skiing.

5. He is GREAT at dressing up and pretending.

6. He is GREAT at building with lego's. We found him a big rubbermaid of vintage lego's that he loves and spends hours and hours and hours building things.

7. He is GREAT at playing the Wii. (He wanted to make sure I added this one.) :)

8. He is GREAT by just being himself! I love him more than I ever imagined and I am so proud of the good son that I have been blessed with.

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