Monday, June 13, 2011

Friend or Foe?

As Isabella was being picked up from pre-school, this is what was over heard before Isabella was allowed to leave..."No hitting Maya." (insert dramatic pause) "No pushing Maya." (insert dramatic pause) "No pulling Maya's hair." (insert dramatic pause) "No biting Maya." (insert dramatic pause) "No pinching Maya." (insert dramatic pause) "Maya is your friend. Be nice." The teacher is so patient with her. And Isabella response was a very sorry "okay." They really are great friends. Bella asks for Maya often and they already like to talk on the phone. They generally play well least lately. My gut feeling is that Maya finally fought back, so Isabella is being nicer. :) Way to stand up to your friend, Maya! I really do love to see them playing and laughing together.

1 comment:

LindaO said...

i love those girls!!!! they crack me up!!!!