Cesar's work puts on an awesome Christmas party for the kids! This is the best Santa and Mrs. Claus I have ever seen! They come every year, and this year Samuel is convinced that this isn't the really Mr. and Mrs. Claus, because Mrs. Claus is wearing a watch, and the real Mrs. Claus doesn't wear a watch. I told him that she needs to wear a watch in order to keep Santa on time. He still isn't convinced. Samuel asked for "Lego Star Wars video game E for everyone." (we currently don't have any type of gaming system, nor will we for a long time. Never if I have my way.) Lauren asked for a "counting thing". I have since discovered that this is a cash register. And Sweet Baby Bella wasn't too sure about the whole thing. I am sure that she would love her own baby to hold and kiss instead of one of Lauren's. But, that is just a guess. :)
We had a great time decorating cookies, putting together a Christmas count-down chain, making ornaments, and playing games. This tradition marks the beginning of the Christmas season for our family. Ho, Ho, Ho!
We had a great time decorating cookies, putting together a Christmas count-down chain, making ornaments, and playing games. This tradition marks the beginning of the Christmas season for our family. Ho, Ho, Ho!
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