Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Fabulously Fantastic Five

I have been blessed with some great friends! I am so lucky to have these women in my life. They are a great influence on me and my little family. I love you Niki, Angela, Becky and LeAnn!

saftey first

This is how I find Isabella when I am not paying attention. She is a little monkey! She is also a little biter! Lauren had bite marks on her arm for a few days after Isabella bit her because she had taken something away from her. Crazy kid! Does this start earlier with each child? That is what I am thinking.
She is not even eleven months!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Here Comes Santa Claus!

Cesar's work puts on an awesome Christmas party for the kids! This is the best Santa and Mrs. Claus I have ever seen! They come every year, and this year Samuel is convinced that this isn't the really Mr. and Mrs. Claus, because Mrs. Claus is wearing a watch, and the real Mrs. Claus doesn't wear a watch. I told him that she needs to wear a watch in order to keep Santa on time. He still isn't convinced. Samuel asked for "Lego Star Wars video game E for everyone." (we currently don't have any type of gaming system, nor will we for a long time. Never if I have my way.) Lauren asked for a "counting thing". I have since discovered that this is a cash register. And Sweet Baby Bella wasn't too sure about the whole thing. I am sure that she would love her own baby to hold and kiss instead of one of Lauren's. But, that is just a guess. :)

We had a great time decorating cookies, putting together a Christmas count-down chain, making ornaments, and playing games. This tradition marks the beginning of the Christmas season for our family. Ho, Ho, Ho!


The scary witch, batman and the little chicken all had a great Halloween. The Batman became Luke Skywalker who then became the Tin Man. But the Witch and the Little Chick stayed the same. We love Halloween! Every year it becomes more
fun as the kids get older.