We went to my brother's house for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner with their family. Such yummy food! After dinner, we had a talent show (my SIL's tradition).

Lauren played a few pieces on her violin.
(Much improved from last year.)

Samuel sang a silly Jingle Bells song. He is getting so big!

And Isabella was just plain silly!
After the talent show, we had the traditional Christmas story acted out by the kids.

Samuel was Joseph and Zoe was the much coveted Mary.

Lauren and Jenna were angelic angels.

And Isabella was a shepherd.
All the kids are getting so big and it was so much fun, as usual.

All the kids also were able to open their Christmas Jammies.
(Sadie, Kaylee, Zoe, Lauren, Isabella, Samuel and Tanner - missing Jenna)

We hurried home after the show and put out oats for Rudolf and cookies and milk for Santa. Surprisingly, the kids slept all night and didn't wake until 5:45am. I made Samuel wait until 6am before he could wake everyone else up.

Samuel got some Star Wars stuff...

Lauren got a desk...

Isabella got a baby...
The family got a Wii - finally!
We had a great Christmas!